8 strategies to gain inbound visibility in your automotive spare parts supply chain
Blog8 strategies to gain inbound visibility in your automotive spare parts supply chain
8 strategies to gain inbound visibility in your automotive spare parts supply chain

8 strategies to gain inbound visibility in your automotive spare parts supply chain

In today's globalised and complex automotive spare parts supply chains, gaining inbound visibility is crucial for optimising operations, reducing costs, and meeting customer demands effectively.

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In today’s globalised and complex automotive spare parts supply chains, gaining inbound visibility is crucial for optimising operations, reducing costs, and meeting customer demands effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of inbound visibility and delve into eight strategies to achieve it in the automotive spare parts industry.

The importance of inbound visibility

Inbound visibility guides organisations through the complexities of supply chains, by offering insight into timing and quantity of goods. Inbound visibility, in the context of supply chains, refers to the ability to track and monitor the movement of components, raw materials, and spare parts as they travel from suppliers to manufacturers or distribution centres. This level of transparency is vital for several reasons:

Inventory management

Having clear insight into inbound shipments allows organisations to maintain optimal inventory levels. With accurate data on the timing of incoming spare parts, companies can prevent stockouts and reduce excess inventory, thus minimising carrying costs.

Demand forecasting

Inbound visibility provides valuable data for better demand forecasting. It enables companies to predict the timing and quantity of spare parts required, reducing the risk of under- or over-ordering, which can lead to inefficiencies and customer dissatisfaction.

Supplier performance

Inbound visibility allows organisations to monitor the performance of their suppliers. Timely and accurate deliveries, quality control, and adherence to service level agreements (SLAs) are critical aspects of supplier relationships that can be assessed with greater transparency.

Cost reduction

Reducing lead times and streamlining the inbound supply chain can result in cost savings. This includes optimising transportation routes, avoiding expedited shipping charges, and minimising operational inefficiencies.

Customer satisfaction

Meeting customer expectations and maintaining high service levels are paramount in the automotive spare parts industry. Inbound visibility helps organisations fulfil orders promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction and building trust.

Strategies for achieving inbound visibility

Now that we understand the importance of inbound visibility, let’s delve into strategies to attain it within automotive spare parts supply chains:

1. Implement a supply chain management system

Invest in a robust supply chain management system that can integrate with various data sources, including suppliers’ systems. These systems provide real-time data on inbound shipments, inventory levels, and demand forecasts.

2. IoT and sensor technology

Leverage Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensor technology for real-time tracking of inbound shipments. Real-time tracking of parts supports quality control, with network-connected smart sensors receiving objective data on indicators such as the temperature or humidity inside a shipping container or truck at any given moment.

3. Collaboration with suppliers

Establish transparent communication and collaboration with suppliers. Encourage them to share data on shipments, lead times, and any potential delays. Collaborative relationships can lead to better performance and improved visibility.

4. Data analytics

Utilise data analytics to extract insights from the wealth of information collected through inbound visibility tools. By analysing historical data and current trends, organisations can make more informed decisions and optimise supply chain processes.

5. KPIs and performance metrics

Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of inbound operations. Monitor supplier performance, lead times, inventory turnover, and other relevant metrics to identify areas for improvement.

6. Multi-tier visibility

Extend inbound visibility to multiple tiers in the supply chain, including sub-suppliers and subcontractors. Understanding the entire supply chain network can help organisations identify potential bottlenecks and vulnerabilities.

7. Risk mitigation

Develop contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies based on the insights gained from inbound visibility. In the face of disruptions or unforeseen events, having a well-prepared response can minimise the impact on operations. For supply chain management, that means analysing the supply chain end-to-end, and designing it in a way that the likelihood of risks is minimised at best.

8. Continuous improvement

Inbound visibility is an ongoing effort. Regularly review and refine processes, technologies, and supplier relationships to adapt to changing market conditions and evolving customer demands.


In the fast-paced world of automotive spare parts, inbound visibility isn’t just a buzzword – it is the key to unlocking operational excellence and customer satisfaction. By implementing these eight strategies, organisations can navigate the complexities of supply chains with confidence, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve and on the road to success.

MIXMOVE provides cloud software that supports logistics by connecting systems, increasing profitability and reducing C02 emissions. We work with other automotive companies, such as  TPS – Volkswagen Group Genuine Parts, to help them gain visibility and control over their spare parts supply chain. Working with various centres around the UK, MIXMOVE X-Deliver has helped TPS see a significant reduction in paperwork, increased efficiency thanks to drivers following efficient routes, and enhanced customer service because the TPS Centre team now controls the delivery execution process from start to finish. Learn more about X-Deliver.

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